Make your stay in Sevenoaks extra special at Knole B&B
Our 'Clean and Safe' Pledge
We pledge to:
1. Constantly monitor government advice.
2. Ensure extra cleaning regimes every 2 hours for high use ‘touchpoint’ areas such as door handles.
3. Require a Physically Distanced check in and a self check out.
4. Ensure Physical Distancing is practiced throughout the B&B.
5. Have measures in place to allow both staff & guests to practice good hygiene.
6. Have hand sanitisers available at entrances/exits.
7. Remove items such as visitor book, magazines and leaflets.
8. Request that both our staff & guests only enter the B&B if they are not experiencing any symptoms of C19.
9. Request that any guest who may feel unwell during their visit make themselves known to us immediately.
10. Only 2 households may breakfast together. A maximum of 6 people may sit together.
11. Our Risk Assessment will be available on request.
1. Ensure that prior to arrival bedrooms/bathrooms will be cleaned thoroughly and hard surfaces disinfected.
2. Stop all access to bedroom during a guests stay (any requests for housekeeping services will need to be requested specifically).
3. Wash all linen at 60°C or above.
Finally please be assured that on booking with us, should you be unable to visit due to the effects of C19, we will be happy to change the date of your booking for any time for up to a year.